Seriously just show up to a practice we're really welcoming and love to meet new people. Practice times are available in our calendar 


New player are welcome anytime but field practice in the fall all August and September Tuesdays Thursdays and Fridays 5-6:30p

Fall Practice/tryouts/games located on rugby field across form Red Jacket dorms next to the tennis courts.

Send us a message and we’ll get you more info on practice.


No Experience Needed 

Hey there, thanks for thinking about joining! Did you know the average age people start playing rugby in the USA is 19? That's when all the coaches here at UB started. Weather you're looking to continue your athletic career or start one, UB rugby is a great place to experience the demands and fun of the D1A life. 

Tell us a little about yourself!! -->>

No one knows you better than you, well other than your your internet history. Let us get to know you too, fill out this form here so we can know how to best help you in your rugby development ! 

One of us! One of us! One of us!